The Partnership Projects scheme will have three application peer review cycles (PRCs) in 2021:
• PRC 1 opened on 13 January 2021
• PRC 2 will open on 25 March 2021
• PRC 3 will open on 29 July 2021
Partnership Projects 2021 funding with other organisations
In addition to partner organisations identified in the Partnership Projects 2021 Guidelines, applicants in 2021 may select the following funding opportunity from the Department of Health: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and Obesity Prevention Research special initiative.
This special initiative provides the opportunity for community organisations contributing to health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to develop a relationship with a researcher to strengthen the evidence in FASD and obesity research.
Further information will be available on GrantConnect or contact RDS.