Applications for Ideas grants close on 5 May. FHMRI is offering a two-phase internal grant review process:
· Phase 1. Focuses on the first page of the Research Proposal document. · Phase 2. Involves a review of the 7-page Research Proposal plus the 3 one-page documents covering the Innovation & Creativity, Significance and Capability Statements. Phase 1: The first page of a grant application is critical to gaining reviewers’ attention – it is often said that grant applications are won and lost on the first page. FHMRI is offering the opportunity for researchers submitting Ideas grants in 2021 to have their ‘Page 1’ reviewed by a panel of FHMRI researchers (including early, mid and established career academics), who will meet to discuss and provide feedback on the ‘Page 1s’. Each panel will review and discuss 4 to 6 Page 1s and Ideas grant applicants will join the panel at which their Page 1 is being discussed, i.e. they will review the other Page 1s and be present for the discussion of their Page 1. Panels will either be all face-to-face or all online. To be part of the process, please submit a draft of your ‘Page 1’ as pdf file to with subject heading ‘Ideas grant page 1’ by 24 March. The ‘Page 1’ should cover the following, and can include tables/figures/graphics: · Describe the specific aims of the project, including a clear statement of hypotheses to be tested. · Provide a rationale for the project · Describe the importance of the problem to be researched, the planned outcome of the research plan, and the potential significance of the research. |