Cancer Australia is seeking to establish an expert cancer control panel for the provision of specialist services in cancer control

The tender process opens on 18 January 2024, and closes on 18 March 2024.

Cancer Australia is establishing an expert cancer control (ECC) panel in 2024.  Panel Members will be required to use their expertise to provide advice to Cancer Australia on specific aspects of, or issues arising from, project work and initiatives on strategic, clinical, research, and technical services in cancer control, including but not limited to:

A.1 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cancer control
A.2 Medical oncology
A.3 Radiation oncology
A.4 Haematological oncology
A.5 Clinical cancer care, models of care, and clinical research
A.6 Supportive care in cancer control
A.7 Palliative care in cancer control
A.8 Health economics and health policy in cancer control
A.9 Epidemiology and data in cancer control
A.10 Artificial intelligence in cancer control

Panel members will be engaged under a Deed of Standing Offer, and may nominate their expertise in one or more categories. The panel will be appointed for an initial three-year term from 2024-2027, with an opportunity for an extension of 2 years and
1 month. The ECC panel will be comprised of individuals with the relevant specialist expertise in cancer control. The Deed of Standing Offer will include an agreed pricing structure (hourly and daily rate) for the required services.
Under the Deed of Standing Offer, Cancer Australia may enter into a ‘work order’ with panel members on an ‘as needs’ basis. This may include short, ad hoc requests for advice, or longer term project-based work. Panel members will be given the opportunity to respond to each offer of work based on their suitability for the required tasks, and their availability.
The tender process will be conducted via the Australian Government’s AusTender website. Following Cancer Australia’s evaluation of Tenders, Tenderers may be found suitable and appointed to the ECC Panel for one or some of the Services.

The full suite of documents is available here.
For more information contact Assistant Director, Clinical Policy Advice Branch:

To download the above information as a PDF, click here.

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