PhD scholarship in Eating Disorders (Breakthrough Foundation)


Eating disorders (EDs) are serious mental health disorders. Around 15% of Australian girls will experience an ED by the time they are 19 years old and disordered eating (DE) affects 23% of young Australian women with long-term detrimental impacts on physical and mental quality of life. Males account for one in four cases of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, and approximately 1/3 of community adults reporting DE in Australia.

Only 25% of people with an ED seek treatment. Many adolescents and their families report considerable barriers to receiving timely and appropriate diagnosis and treatment, including limited access to services with long waiting lists, often resulting in increased dropout.

Under the supervision of Matthew Flinders Distinguished Professor Tracey Wade and within the Blackbird Initiative of Órama Institute for Mental Health and Wellbeing, the purpose of this PhD scholarship is to explore real-world solutions, ensuring the best interventions are available to people with eating disorders.

Breakthrough Mental Health Foundation is funding a stipend of $40,000 per year tax-free, for up to 3 years and is tenable within the Órama Institute and College of Education, Psychology and Social Work; Flinders University (Adelaide, South Australia).

Interested applicants should email Matthew Flinders Distinguished Professor Tracey Wade ( prior to submitting a PhD application to discuss a possible research topic.

Applications close 31st October 2020.

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