Interactive story research

Do you remember the popular Choose Your Own Adventure books of the 1970s and 80s? These books allowed the reader to participate in the story and direct the plot within a set range of options.  Today, computers games and interactive narratives take this to a new level.  A research team in the Humanities and Creative Arts is interested in exploring how readers relate to these interactive stories and the main character in particular.

They’ve posted an original interactive adventure story inspired by Jules Verne’s classic Mysterious Island. At the end of the story there is an option to answer a few short questions about your perceptions of the story and characters. Responses are welcome from readers of all ages, but particularly kids from 10-15 and especially boys.

The research has ethics approval from Flinders University and is entirely anonymous, although if you have any thoughts or comments on the research feel free to email Danielle Clode.

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