About the Identity and Access Management Technology Project

Flinders University offers students, staff, and contractors access to important information systems via web, desktop, and mobile. The systems manage large amounts of data (eg coursework, research, and University intellectual property) and must be kept secure.

The University has reviewed its multiple technologies for managing user access to systems, and has decided to replace them all with a single new Identity and Access Management (IAM) platform.

In daily use, the new IAM platform should be mostly “invisible” to you, just doing the job of providing access to systems for which you are authorised, as automatically as possible. You will also retain your existing Flinders Authentication Name (FAN) and in due course you will be able to use your FAN to gain simpler access to supported systems via “single sign on”. This will allow you to login once to gain access to all the information systems and services to which you are entitled.

A slightly more visible change may occur with the Staff Directory system, as we are looking to replace the Staff Directory with a new enhanced system in future. In the meantime we will retain as much of the old Staff Directory functionality as the new IAM platform will allow.

If you’d like to learn more about what the IAM Project is about, or have any questions, please drop us a line on IAMProjectInfo@flinders.edu.au, or visit www.flinders.edu.au/its/iam-project/.

We’ll be providing more information about the project as it unfolds. Stay tuned, and thank you for your interest!

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