FUAM to master the power of objects in higher education and employability

Flinders University Art Museum (FUAM) is completing a successful interdisciplinary research project “The power of things: Enhancing employability in higher education through object-based learning”.

Project leader Fiona Salmon, Director of FUAM, said the results from students participating showed high quality student work, retention rates, and that significant numbers would recommend object-based learning to others.

Working with team members from History, Psychiatry and Visual Arts, the project enriched experiences of teaching and learning providing a novel educational environment and access to a vast collection of visual resources.

Using more than 170 artworks, including over 150 by Aboriginal artists, students and staff were drawn out of their comfort zones to grapple with, explore and communicate new perspectives and ideas.

Feedback from participants indicated that structured engagements with art in their topics helped them to see, think and talk in new ways and develop skills they can draw on in their professional lives.

Ms Salmon will continue to provide national leadership in this area as the Chair of University Art Museums Australia (UAMA). There are currently 42 university art museums in Australia, representing 26 per cent of the Australian art museum sector.

Team member Dr Heather Gaunt, Curator of Academic Programs (Research), The Ian Potter Museum of Art, The University of Melbourne, referenced the project in her essay in The Conversation titled: “Can looking at art make for better doctors?”

You can join FUAM’s growing Community of Practice for updates on new resources, workshops and other opportunities at artmuseum.flinders.edu.au/academic-programs

This Flinders University Art Museum project is in partnership with AC Arts/TAFE SA and The University of Melbourne, with support provided from a Flinders University Teaching And Learning Innovation Grant and the Australian Government Department of Education and Training.

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