Tech improvements to benefit Flinders community

New and exciting information technology changes are being introduced at Flinders to help make life easier and bring efficiencies for both staff and students.

Feedback to improve IT support service

To assist Information and Digital Services (IDS) provide a better IT support experience for staff, a new feedback mechanism, CIOPulse, will be rolled out over over the remainder of September.

Service Desk customers can expect to receive a short 3-question survey following the completion of a service request, which will gather feedback on the quality of services received. Staff who have had multiple interactions with the Service Desk in a single month will receive just the one survey to cover all of these.

Feedback received will inform the implementation of changes to improve the IT support service provided to staff.

For any questions regarding CIOPulse, please contact Alex Palazo.

Printer review

A Flinders-wide printer audit and review is also in the works, with the aim to identify areas of improvement, and standardise and simplify printer usage wherever possible. On completion of the review, IDS will put forward recommendations based on industry best practices.

Audit of IT student labs

Improving the student experience is also a constant focus for IDS, and in coming months an audit will be conducted of the current IT student labs, including reviewing and analysing the spaces to identify activities required to improve the IT services available to Flinders students.

Coming soon…

Other projects underway include an IDS service catalogue and a scaled-up and structured approach to PC rollouts. With even more change in the wind, staff are advised to keep their eyes open for further improvements coming to campuses soon.

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