Celebrating success

Unbound earns the praise of the press, new SACE board recruit and big-screen focus on highway epics.

Unbound earns enthusiastic praise

The Unbound Collective – featuring Dr Ali Gumillya Baker, Associate Professor Simone Ulalka Tur, Faye Rosas Blanch and Dr Natalie Harkin – recently performed to much acclaim at the Art Gallery of New South Wales for the exhibition The National 2019: New Australian Art. Clothilde Bullen, Curator of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art at the Museum of Contemporary Art, said the performance set the tone for the entire National exhibition “disrupting colonial spaces and moved us all with your texts, singing and projections”. A video snapshot of the performance can be viewed here. The Sydney Morning Herald wrote an article on the performance, which can be read here.

Invited to join SACE Board

Congratulations to Emeritus Professor Iain Hay, Matthew Flinders Distinguished Emeritus Professor of Geography in the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, who recently accepted an invitation from the SACE Board to join its Accreditation, Recognition and Certification Committee.

Big screen focus on US Highway epics

The 2019 Adelaide Cinémathèque program – the American Highways series, curated by Flinders Screen and Media students Bridget McDonald and Alexander McKenzie – commenced with Dr Nicholas Godfrey introducing a screening of Easy Rider (1969, starring Dennis Hopper) at the Mercury Cinema on April 10. Copies of Dr Godfrey’s book, The Limits of Auteurism: Case Studies in the Critically Constructed New Hollywood (Rutgers University Press, 2018), was available to purchase.

Dr Godfrey recently returned from a New Colombo Plan field trip, hosting 18 undergraduate students at the Hong Kong Trade Development Council’s FILMART event, the largest annual film and television distribution market in Asia.



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