Valuable new microscope arrives soon

Flinders Microscopy & Microanalysis is preparing for the arrival of a new Zeiss LSM880 Fast Airyscan laser scanning confocal microscope, thanks to a 2018 DVCR Research Infrastructure Grant.

The microscope will be fully equipped for imaging of live cells and fixed samples across the whole spectrum of fluorescent dyes which are widely used in biological and biomedical research for visualising and measuring location, inter-relationships and movement of multiple features of cells and subcellular entities.

The microscope’s Airyscan function readily achieves semi super-resolution, which is nearly 2x improved resolution of standard confocal microscopes in x, y & z planes with regular sample preparation.  This instrument performs sensitive, fast imaging and is equipped with simultaneous spectral scanning capability, which is extremely useful for live cell FRET, biosensor imaging and distinguishing overlapping dyes and autofluorescence.

This flagship addition to the Light Microscopy repertoire of Flinders Microscopy and Microanalysis will be available from mid-May 2019, and housed within FMC 4E500.  Training, demonstrations and usage will be offered free of charge to Flinders researchers until the end of July 2019, after which time modest user fees will apply.

For more details, visit the website  or contact Dr Jennifer Fendler, by phone (8204 4858) or email

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