Library extends opening hours

Flinders University students want extended access to library study areas – so the library will pilot 24×7 opening of the Central branch, allowing access to most print collections and study spaces on all floors during the first semester for 2020.

In response to the 2019 Library Satisfaction Survey, where students called for more time in individual, group and silent study spaces, the library has also gained funding to make building modifications that will allow the Sturt branch to open 24×7 later in the year.

As part of the university’s commitment to extend access, the library will initiate negotiations with Flinders Medical Centre to extend access at the Medical branch.

The library is increasing capacity for student self-service by purchasing additional copies of books and increasing access to print collections across all branches. Furthermore, the library is expanding the availability of bookable rooms in Central.

Library usage data indicates that the highest demand for the library’s information desk services is during the middle of the day, between 11am and 3pm, so the 2020 schedule places library staff when there is the highest student demand.

Flinders University Library opening hours Semester One, 2020


Medical and Sturt
Monday to Friday: 9am to 8pm
Weekends & selected public holidays: 12pm to 5pm

Monday to Friday: Standard hours at all branches, 9am to 5pm
After hours at Medical and Sturt: 5pm to 8pm
Weekends and selected public holidays at all branches: noon to 5pm


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