Music while you work

Missing lunchtime concerts? Flinders University’s exciting lunchtime concert series bring a range of international standard musicians to the University and now they’re coming to you at home.

These concerts usually provide an opportunity to engage with classical and contemporary musical styles and genres in an intimate setting. As this is not possible during the COVID-19 pandemic, and with most staff members working at home, the University has invited musicians to instead create videos of performances from home for us to share.

The videos will each be available for one week from the launch date and can be seen at the University’s YouTube channel.

Enjoy music while you work, or lunch in style absorbed in personal performances created just for us.

The new online program includes performances by Zhao Liang (guzheng) and David Dai (erhu), Simone Slattery (violin) and Anthony Albrecht (cello), Aleksandr Tsiboulski and Emily davis (guitar and voice), Yundi Yuan with Joseph Huang (piano), Konstantin Shamray and Michael Ierace (piano for four hands), Jack Overall and Kate Hwang (cello), and Paris Williams (violin, viola) and Tahlia Williams (violin).

Visit for more information.

Week beginning 27 April: Zhao Liang and David Dai

Zhao Liang, guzheng and David Dai, erhu, are members of the San Ureshi ensemble and perform on traditional Chinese instruments, the guzheng and the erhu. (David Dai’s performance is below, access both his and Zhao Liang’s performances at the University’s lunchtime concerts channel.)


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