Retail ramps, distancing continues

As staff numbers grow on campus and retail services widen their opening times, it’s important we continue physical distancing and maintaining excellent hygiene practices.

With South Australia’s exemplary behaviour inline with the Government’s COVID-19 response, we have all played a role in the outcomes and easing of restrictions. However it is vital we remember the threat of the virus remains as no one is out of the woods yet.

Now is the time to stay vigilant in our hygiene and observing distancing requirements in offices, meetings and at all times. Please refer to the COVID-19 staff webpage for hygiene reminders, adhere to the four square metre per person rule/ maximum gathering numbers indoors, and check the SA Government’s Recovery from COVID-19 page to stay up to date in this rapidly changing environment.

Updated campus services opening times from this week (Monday to Friday)

UPCO: 8am -2.30pm

Cafe bon Voyage (Laneway): 7.30am-3pm

Cafe bon Voyage (Anchor Court): 8am-2pm

Local Brew (Law and Commerce): 8am-2pm

Grind and Press: 8am-2pm

Wuhu (Plaza): 11am-2pm

The Daily (Sturt): 8am-2.30pm

The Tavern: 11.45am-5.30pm (Wednesday-Friday)

Toly: 11am-2.30pm

Pharmacy: 9am-5pm

Post Office: 9am-5pm

Dine in now available at the Tav:

Open Wednesday to Friday, 11.45am-5.30pm.

Dine in service is available for limited numbers and bookings are essential – for a maximum of 10 people inside and 10 people on the balcony. To book, email or call 0426731860.

The following time brackets are available for dining in. Burgers are on from 11.45am until 3pm; pizzas until 5.30pm.

  • 11.45am-12.45pm (“early burgers”)
  • 12.45pm-1.45pm (“high rollers”)
  • 1.45pm-3pm (“diplomatic immunity”)
  • 3pm-5pm (“the late late lunch”)
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