After broad consultation, the complex business of creating and managing Flinders University’s teaching timetable is set for improvement.
Timetabling is a critical University process that impacts the smooth functioning of teaching and learning at Flinders. Producing the teaching timetable is a complex task with lots of variables, and feedback from both staff and students has highlighted the need to make improvements to how we create and manage the teaching timetable, ultimately to provide the best possible learning experience for our students.
Following initial feedback from the Service Review Survey Student Administration Services and Information and Digital Services launched a deep-dive analysis of our timetabling processes in March last year. As part of this review, the project team consulted with key stakeholders across the University to understand issues with the current process and identify improvement opportunities.
With the review completed, the project team is now seeking to implement several improvements. Further information on the project’s aims, Steering Committee and Working Group member lists, findings from the process review and outcomes of workshops can be found on the Timetabling Project webpage.
The Working Group is currently focussing on the following tasks:
- Starting work to define clear and visible timetabling policy (including purpose statement) and roles and responsibilities followed by related procedures.
- Identifying core data needed for planning and to simplify the data collection process.
- Identifying roles and responsibilities for reviewing and signing off the draft timetable.
- Reviewing and update the student-facing web pages with clear and visible information – such as how to read the timetable, how to use the system and frequently asked questions.
- Identifying opportunities to include the Resource Scheduling Services team and other stakeholders earlier in the College load planning.
If you’re interested in hearing more about the improvements to how we manage the development of the teaching timetable and related processes, check out the project webpage and keep an eye out for future communications on this vital project. You can contact the Timetabling Project team by email: