Key women on sustainable development

As part of an ongoing project to focus on ensuring women remain at the forefront of advancing sustainable development goals, Dr Helen McLaren from the College of Education, Psychology and Social Work has been interviewing influential SA female intellectuals and industry leaders in this space.

This series of interviews – which includes Helen Connolly, Commissioner for Children and Young People – will form part of a critical two-nation virtual roundtable discussions between Australia and Indonesia later this year, a project supported by DFAT and the Australia Indonesia Institute.

“For instance, my recent interview with Helen Connolly focused on key social issues affecting especially young women and girls and their struggles with gender equity,” says Dr McLaren.

“She said the issue is not nearly as advanced as many people would think, and there is a surprising amount still to be done, which has been highlighted due to COVID-19 disruptions.”

The roundtable forum aims to capture the insights of key women thinkers about the future of sustainable development goals, and what needs to happen in the response and recovery from COVID-19 to keep advancing opportunities for women and girls.

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College of Education Psychology and Social Work