Sci-fi writing on near-future technologies

The futuristic writing of Emeritus Professor David Powers, who retired from Flinders in 2022, is shining a light on his research into Brain Computer Interface, Genetic Engineering and Artificial Intelligence.

The long-time leader of the AI/machine learning lab at Flinders Tonsley, Professor Powers also publishes extensively under the pseudonym Marti Ward – and has just issued Time for PsyQ, the first book in a new series called Quantum Talents Series. This is a prequel series that provides background to the heroine of a later series in Marti Ward’s “Appearance of Magic” Universe (which refers to Arthur C Clarke’s idea that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”).

“Like my earlier stories, it gives prominence to certain animals (cats, dogs and a spider) that are a little bit more than they seem,” explains Professor Powers. “The point of view is always through 11-year-old Airlie, who develops from being precocious to become the leading expert on the new Quantum Talents, as well assisting with the solving of a number of crimes.

“Actually, Airlie was originally called Charlie in my drafts – and I just happen to have an 11-year-old niece by that name. We wrote stories together during the Christmas-New Year period for five years.”

Professor Powers says Mardi Ward’s earlier Paradisi series of books fit into the same multiverse, which feature the ideas of telepathy, cryostasis, wormholes and antigravity. “These were consistent with ideas I’d been playing with for a while. I try to not just treat the fantastical Sci-Fi elements as magic under another name, or with a spatter of technobabble, but always have in mind scientifically plausible theories of how they might actually be achieved,” he says.

“I’m telling people about important areas of science and technology, from AI to Relativity, from Orbital Dynamics to Quantum Mechanics, from Exobiology to Genetic Engineering. And in my latest book, Time for PsyQ, this extends to include Brain Computer Interface and Quantum Mechanics, Superstring/M-theory, and the idea of additional dimensions.

“The Brain Computer Interface and Genetic Engineering and Artificial Intelligence relate strongly to my most recent research, while the other subjects are supported by my Honours level studies in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.”

Interviews with Professor Powers to promote his books have explored how Marti Ward came into being ( and explore interesting questions focussed on his second book, Moraturi Lost (

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