New Colombo Plan takes students to Fiji

A group of 10 Flinders University students from the Colleges of Education, Psychology and Social Work, and Nursing and Health Sciences are currently visiting Suva in Fiji for a 14-day cultural study tour as part of a New Colombo Plan Study tour.

Before the students return on 13 July, they will be visiting local universities, participating in sport and nutrition activities and having a village immersion experience.

The cultural study tour is being run by Think Pacific and the students are being mostly funded by the Government’s New Colombo Mobility Plan grants.

While Flinders students did some virtual placements during the COVID-19 lockdowns, 2023 marks the first time in-person tours have been able to resume, with trips to Fiji and Vanuatu taking place earlier this year.

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College of Education Psychology and Social Work College of Nursing and Health Sciences