Wear Purple to promote safety and inclusion

Wear your best purple outfit on Thursday 24 and Friday 25 August to show your support for Wear It Purple, a global movement that strives to foster supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments for young LGBTQIA+ people.

Established in 2010, Wear It Purple is a response to global stories of heartache affecting teenagers, and aims to promote hope and show young people around the world there are people who support and accept them, and that they have the right to be proud of who they are.

FUSA and the Queer Collective invite all students to take part in their Wear It Purple event in The Hub from 11am on Thursday 24 August – with friendly LGBTQIA+ stalls, jewellery-making stations and delicious cookies on offer to celebrate Wear It Purple Day.

Stalls will be run by LGBTQIA+ groups and businesses including the Pride Network, Divinnity Designs, SapphicStopAU, ShineSA and the Sexual Industry Network.

For any questions about the event, email FUSA’s Queer Officer Riley at queer.officer@flinders.edu.au or fusa.events@flinders.edu.au.

To help Flinders create a more welcoming and inclusive environment for all members of our community, staff are encouraged to host a morning tea for their areas on either Thursday or Friday. For more information on how to celebrate and for resources for your event, visit the Wear It Purple page. If you do host an event, send through your photos to newsdesk@flinders.edu.au.

Staff are also encouraged to join the Flinders University Pride Network. For more information about the Network and to join, click here.

Staff are reminded about the Foundations of LGBTQ Inclusion, an online course being offered through iEnrol, and are encouraged to complete the 30-minute course if they have not yet done so. To complete the course, click here.

For more information about the Wear It Purple movement, visit the Wear It Purple website.

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Around campus Events Fearless Pride Network Staff Student Experience Students