Join us as we ask R U OK?

Flinders University will acknowledge R U OK? Day on Thursday 14 September by hosting a morning tea to remind all staff and students that asking this simple question could start a conversation that changes a life.

Professor Raj Shekhawa, Dean (Research) College of Education, Psychology and Social Work, will be joined by guest speakers Emilea Mysko (Flinders Alumni and former Australian Navy medic) and Dr Tom Cochrane, from the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, to discuss the importance of checking the wellbeing of those around you and yourself on a regular basis.

Event details:

Flinders University staff are reminded that mental health support is available through the Employee Assistance Program.

This event has been funded by the Wellbeing and Campus Activation initiative.

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Around campus College of Education Psychology and Social Work College of Humanities Arts and Social Sciences Events Fearless Staff Students