In touch with … John Hood

Our new Chancellor John Hood has loved being a part of Flinders University since his childhood, when he played in a fountain on the original plaza. Now, having been a student and Councillor at Flinders, he has an enthusiastic vision of our future.

How does it feel coming back to Flinders University as Chancellor?

I don’t really feel like I’m “coming back” as I have been part of our Flinders’ community on and off my whole life, and more recently on the Council since 2017. My earliest memories of being at Flinders are as a little boy (from 4 years old) playing in the fountain near the library while dodging people’s “long surf boards” and with my Dad around our laboratories and research facilities. So, Flinders feels like home to me and to be given the opportunity to be Chancellor is incredibly humbling and exciting.

What are you most looking forward in your new role?

I’m looking forward to gaining an even deeper understanding of who we are and what makes us unique now and as we imagine us in the future locally and globally, so that together we can help to share our points of difference – what makes Flinders a wonderful place to be for all people who choose to be part of our community; to study with us, to work with us, and to support us in many ways. I love it when people enjoy being part of something special and when they develop it and share / reciprocate. So many of us have gained so much from Flinders. It’s benefited and improved many lives, including mine. So I am also looking forward to “paying it forward” and doing what I can to help foster an environment that helps the students, academics, researchers, and professional services teams of the future to enjoy what we all do together which has the potential to turn into something that is good for everyone … potentially world-class in many ways.

What was your favourite thing about Flinders when you were a student?

The fact that we were considered the creative rebels ….. now we describe that trait as “innovative” and everyone wants to join in! I also loved sitting in the library and occasionally talking with a retired Sir Mark Oliphant as he read book after book from our library …. for such a globally talented scientist I loved how he enjoyed books about people, philosophy, social sciences, the arts, etc.

How has Flinders changed since then?

At our core I don’t feel we’ve changed significantly even since I was little and as we move past recent difficult years I can see us growing from strength to strength. I still feel we are the creative teaching and research force we’ve been famous for since we began. We are authentic and honest even when it’s not easy to be that way. Our essence is still to be different and fearless in our approach to how we serve as an organisation while focussing on developing great teams of people who achieve wonderful things for society, humankind and themselves and their family.

What’s your favourite thing to do with your spare time?

It’s hard to pick one thing! I really value time with my wife, Vanessa, and our family (we have 6 children) and our friends and I enjoy experiences like hiking, playing and watching sport, musicals, movies, and more. I have also loved supporting many community organisations as a volunteer for most of my life – my favourite roles being for Flinders.

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