Take part in study on perfectionism in children

If you’re the parent or caregiver of a child aged 7 to 12 who struggles with perfectionism, the Guided Parent-Delivered Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Perfectionism research study can provide you with tools and information you’ll need to best support them.

The program features six modules, designed for a caregiver to use with the child. The modules have interactive learning activities that are supported by an online guidance session once a week, which will discuss:

  • Information about perfectionism.
  • Activities for a caregiver to complete independently.
  • Handouts for a caregiver to give to the child and discuss with them, along with exercises that the caregiver and child can complete together.
  • Questionnaires for a caregiver and their child to complete online over the course of the evaluation and 12-weeks after the intervention is completed.

The program aims to help children pursue meaningful goals while reducing distress, without lowering their standards. It will also help them explore new thoughts, behaviours and less harmful avenues to achievement – and assist caregivers to identify perfectionism.

To participate or learn more about this study, email maya.jabs@flinders.edu.au.

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College of Education Psychology and Social Work