Flinders experts develop palliative care website

Flinders University palliative care researchers and SA Health have collaborated to develop a website supporting terminally ill patients and their families as part of a new SA Government pilot program.

Launched in February 2024, Palliative Care Connect is funded by the federal government with $7.5 million over three years through the SA Palliative Care Navigation Pilot, an initiative being delivered by the South Australian Government.

Professor Jennifer Tieman and the CareSearch Project team at the Flinders University Research Centre in Palliative Care, Death and Dying (RePaDD) have developed an online portal called Palliative Care Connect that aims to bridge gaps in care and provide essential assistance during challenging times.

The Palliative Care Connect website provides key information about palliative care and bereavement, access to a service directory and a self-assessment tool designed to help individuals identify the support and resources they need.

Through a directory available on the online portal, South Australians can identify the nearest services that support patients, carers, and the community through their palliative care journey.

The SA Government pilot currently comprises the website and access to Palliative Care Navigators via a dedicated phone line. It helps connect patients to local community supports to enable them to stay at home longer, so they don’t need to be transferred to a hospital. New services and resources to support the specific needs of those who are living in rural and remote areas, for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, and for those who are grieving are being finalised.

“The new portal developed by  the CareSearch team connects South Australians to services, resources and supports that can help navigate their palliative care journey as a patient, carer, or family member by using the resource to search for relevant and nearby services,” said Flinders University’s Professor Jennifer Tieman, Director of RePaDD.

“The portal is a first-of-its-kind resource that provides evidence and tools for health professionals and information about  palliative care and family supports for the whole community, which are  enabled by RePaDD’s partnerships, collaborations and state-wide networks.”

If patient or family member information or support needs cannot be met with the resources available through the platform, they are encouraged to connect with the Statewide Palliative Care Navigation Service by phone or email.

CareSearch is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.

The Palliative Care Connect website: https://www.palliativecareconnect.com.au/

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Research Centre for Palliative Care Death & Dying