Healthy hustle covers meal planning

If you’re tired of scrambling to put together healthy meals or don’t know where to start with meal planning, it will be worth attending Healthy Hustle: Flexible Meal Planning for Busy Lifestyles, a new workshop offering practical tips and strategies for effective meal planning.

The interactive, face-to-face staff only session – being held in Health Sciences Lecture Theatre Complex room 3.09 from 11am until noon on Wednesday 27 March – will also cover:

  • Quick, versatile recipes tailored to fit a busy lifestyle, save time, reduce stress and promote healthier eating habits.
  • A live cooking demonstration, offering a taste of a delicious and nutritious rice bowl recipe.
  • Elevating your meal planning skills and suggesting adaptable recipe ideas using common ingredients, all while engaging in interactive discussions and Q&A sessions with your colleagues.

Bring your lunch, along with your thoughts and ideas about meal planning, and learn how you can make healthy meal preparation a part of your routine.

The Healthy Hustle series is a student-led initiative from the College of Nursing and Health Sciences.

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Around campus Staff WHS unit