Cyber security training to keep you secure

As part of Flinders University’s ongoing response to growing cyber security threats, a new Cyber Security Awareness Training program is being made available to all staff.

This is an update and expands on the program previously provided by Phriendly Phishing.

During April, the focus is on ‘Keeping secure’ and will cover topics including:

  • Security foundations.
  • Training on social engineering and how this affects your online safety.
  • Rules to help you keep secure.

New training modules will be released in Canvas each month, providing helpful information, tips and tricks that will keep you and the university community safe and secure.

To access the training modules, please:

  1.  Log into OKTA and select the “FLO – Flinders Learning Online (Canvas)” tile.
  2. On your Canvas dashboard, select ‘Cyber security basics for staff 2024’ which will take you to the full training program.

If you have any questions related to this training, please phone the IDS Service Desk on 8201 2345 or email

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