Take steps to keep our campuses safe

The National Student Safety Survey was launched last week and 9990 Flinders students have received an invitation to participate. While it’s still early days – with the deadline for submissions still three weeks away – fewer than 700 people have so far responded.

Most of the responses have been from mature-age students – and it’s worth noting that a representative cross-section of the student population is necessary for this survey to be effective.

If invited students leave completion of the survey until the last minute, there’s a chance they’ll forget to complete it because of the mid-semester break.

To help provide an accurate snapshot of our students’ on-campus experience, teachers and lecturers are being asked to spend a moment at the start or end of classes to encourage students to complete and submit the survey immediately, rather than leaving it to the deadline.

To encourage students to complete and submit the survey, course lecturers are asked to consider including this slide at the end of class presentations during the survey period, which runs from 6 September to 6 October.

Regarding general safety issues on campus – if you or someone you know has experienced sexual harassment or sexual assault, or you are concerned about an incident, you’re strongly encouraged to report it. Making a report does not initiate a complaint; it is the first step to offer support and a chance to talk through options. If the matter requires immediate attention, please contact Flinders Security on 8201 2880 or dial 000 in case of an emergency.

Should the survey raise concerns for you and or anyone you know, help is available. Students can be referred to our Counselling service while the Employee Assistance Program provides confidential, professional support for staff.

Your support will provide the insights needed to ensure our campus is a safe, respectful place for all people.

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