Celebrating success

Claire Hayward has made a small discovery that is making a big impact, while a Flinders expert places a lens over Australia’s history of fascism, a […]

Celebrating success

Psychological science and criminology student Luca Sardelis steps into the director’s seat, while other successes include Flinders’ Deputy Chancellor playing a part in renewing South Australia, […]

Celebrating success

International archaeological expert Professor Claire Smith has received an international accolade, while other recent Flinders successes include a new book from Dr Gillian Dooley, a big […]

Moving forward with our RAP journey

The first RAP Co-Design Workshop to help shape the next iteration of Flinders University’s Reconciliation Action Plan was held on Kaurna Yarta (Bedford Park) on Monday […]

Celebrating success

Associate Professor Maree Meredith wins an inaugural scholarship, while other successes include Dr Jeffrey Gil writing on the rise and fall of Confucius Institutes and Confucius […]

Finding beauty in the world with art

Flinders University philosopher Dr Tom Cochrane recently presented on his new book, The Aesthetic Value of the World (Oxford University Press), as part of a special […]