This year the Year 3 MDRS cohort consists of 34 students. The students started off the year with a week-long orientation which consisted of a refresher in essential clinical skills, applying PPE, and fit mask testing. The students have settled in well to their placements within the GP clinics and hospitals and are very eager to learn. Some specialist placements were cancelled due to elective surgery restrictions, however, this was to be expected. This year the curriculum delivery to the MDRS students will be reliant upon case-based learning and will include a hybrid of face-to-face and online teaching.
Year 4, Term 1 rural placements started early January and students had a virtual orientation with Dr Lauren Kennedy prior to going on placement as well as being fit mask tested. Term 2 rural placements will commence on 28 Feb. All rural placement availabilities are full for the first semester.
We would like to welcome Dr Scott Lewis in the Hills Mallee Fleurieu region and Dr James McLeod in the Riverland region both as Clinical Educators. Scott has comprehensive experience in the rural and remote setting being a Rural Generalist in Wudinna for the past 12 years. James is passionate about medical education and was a PRCC student in the Riverland in 2008. Currently, James is employed since 20212 as a GP at the Renmark Medical Clinic and a casual employee at Riverdocs Emergency Department.
Next week sees the MD students sit their first progress test for 2022 with many being on-site in our rural and remote campuses.
A/Prof Christine Dennis
Associate Professor Rural & Remote Health
College of Medicine and Public Health