Updates from the MD Director

Last week, I presented a brief MD update at the SALHN Grand Round. Some of our immediate and short-term priorities are carrying forward from previous years including:

  • ongoing improvements in our Year 4 intern preparedness program
  • further alignment in clinical placements across SA and NT – to improve student movement across the central corridor and provide a breadth of experiences
  • the review of assessments and processes across the four years, to align more closely with the AMC’s new pre-vocational assessment approach.

Importantly, this month we will begin our curriculum governance and mapping processes. The newly established Curriculum Oversight Group (COG) will be critical for reviewing, updating and developing the MD curriculum as part of quality assurance and improvement. I would like to thank everyone who submitted an expression of interest to join the COG. We are finalising membership and reviewing the skillset in the group to ensure engagement of stakeholders. It may be necessary to request further expressions of interest for very specific skillsets in the near future, so please watch this space if you would like to be involved.

Additionally, we are beginning the journey to our 10-year AMC re-accreditation in mid-2024. This is a significant undertaking, requiring input from many stakeholders. Your feedback and suggestions relating to the eight AMC accreditation standards are welcome.

In the longer term, there are several areas I would like for us to explore together:

  1. ways to establish consistent and standardised clinical exposure across Years 1 and 2. For a four year graduate course we should provide more clinical experiences in the first years. The increase in student cohort size has necessitated expansion to other sites and incorporating new modalities for student education and training.
  2. preparing our future workforce. I have previously mentioned the need for us to look at engaging more in communities and the rural space, with greater focus on adaptable generalists. This will also inform part of the Curriculum Oversight Group’s approach to future curriculum development.

Lastly, I would like to start canvassing your views on the 10-year vision for the Flinders MD. We are delivering a successful MD Program. We need to continue building on our strengths and developing the aspects that keep the Flinders MD at the forefront of pre-vocational medical education. What could the Flinders MD be? I look forward to these discussions with you.

Dr Michal Wozniak MBBS FRACGP
Director, Doctor of Medicine (MD) Program

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Director updates