MDRS students recently visited kindergartens in five local regions to conduct a Teddy Bear Hospital. They promoted health and wellbeing, provided children with positive health care experiences and practiced skills necessary for working with children and paediatric health care.
Students have also been busy with assessments including Progress Tests, Learning in clinically embedded health services including General Practice and making the most of their learning opportunities. We have reached the time of the year where students look forward to a well earned break!
The rural teaching team has recently welcomed Catrina Walker to the Interprofessional Clinical Education team at the Barossa campus. Catrina brings a wealth of clinical teaching experience and we look forward to her contribution to the team.
Preparations are underway to increase the MDRS Year 4 ‘stay in place’ student opportunities for 2024, including a successful information session with students last week. Since the information session a number of students have already registered their interest to remain rural for year 4. This exciting initiative has been undertaken with Regional Local health Networks (rLHNs) across Flinders rural footprint. A three SA LHNs have been working closely with Flinders Rural Clinical School to map rural PreVocational training pathways for rural graduates. We look forward to continuing this relationship as we building the rural education and training pathway collaboratively. This initiative, along with other expansion opportunities are aimed at building a fit for purpose workforce in the areas needed the most.
Vanessa Ryan PhD Candidate, MPHC, BM, BN
Director, Flinders University Rural Clinical School (SA)