Centre for Remote Health Director, Professor Tim Carey has recently co-authored a book entitled ‘Controlling People: The paradoxical nature of being human’.
Authors Tim Carey and Richard Marken have put together, for the first time, a clear and accessible text on how applying perceptual control theory (PCT) to our everyday actions equips us with the skills to lead more effective and satisfying lives.
As Richard and Tim describe, we are all ‘controlling people’. In fact, our feelings of wellbeing depend on staying in control, yet this natural controlling behaviour is sometimes the very reason we end up losing control. We need to understand and accept both our own and other people’s controlling natures.
Richard and Tim have applied the science behind PCT in a way that a general audience can understand and use to lead better lives for us all.
By combining Richard’s extensive background in the human factors field and Tim’s clinical psychology work in developing therapy based on PCT, this book is not only an enlightening and easy read, it clearly shows how our controlling nature can get us in and out of trouble.
Professor Tim Carey is a psychologist specialising in clinical psychology with a background in teaching including preschools, special education, and behaviour management. Tim has over 100 publications including journal articles, books and book chapters.
Copies are available from Australian Academic Press.