The Flinders NT Regional Training Hub (FNT RTH) is offering a limited number of sponsorships for 4th year Flinders NT Medical Program students to attend the 2019 Pre-Internship Conference (PRINT) in Sydney 9-10 November 2019.
The PRINT Conference is the leading academic conference for final year medical students. Expert keynote speakers and panel members will take you through a journey in your transition from medical student to junior doctor. Highlights include JMO and Career Panels, providing lots of tips and advice regarding looking after yourself, task prioritisation, teamwork and career progression. Past workshops have included suturing, plastering, emergency scenarios, medications/antibiotics and much more!
FNT RTH will fund for each student selected:
- PRINT conference registration
- Return economy flights to the conference from place of study/placement
- Accommodation for the duration of the conference
Students will be selected in a competitive process based on answers to the selection criteria below.
- Why would you like to attend PRINT? What do you expect to learn from the conference? Indicate how any or all the conference plenaries and workshops fit in with your career aspirations.
- What are your long-term career goals or commitments to training and working within the Northern Territory?
- Are you willing to prepare a written report on your attendance at PRINT?
- Are you willing for your report or a quote from your report to be published on the Flinders NT website and Facebook pages along with your photograph?
- Would you be able to attend the whole conference? If not, please provide justification.
- Will you be missing NT Medical Program classes/exams/placements that cannot be made up at another time?
Your progression through the NT Medical Program will be reviewed as part of this submission.
Please note that those students that are based in an MMR6 or 7 region will be prioritised for selection. If selected to attend the conference, you will be required to organise a NT Medical Program student leave form and provide a copy once approved before registration.
Please complete and email the Expression of Interest form to by 27 October 2019.