The Flinders NT Regional Training Hub (FNT RTH) team were recently invited to visit several Central Australian Aboriginal Congress (Congress) remote health clinics in Central Australia including Ntaria, Utja and Mutijulu. Congress is a key strategic partner of the FNT RTH in the region.
The visit provided an opportunity for the team to learn more about the challenges and opportunities of remote practice in the region and to listen to community needs in particular around the social determinants of health, the importance of delivering point of care close to home and integrating the communities culture and language into clinic prctice. Discussions were held regarding supporting GP Registrars and of the potential to expand training positions for GP Registrars and NT Medical Program student placements into remote clinics.
Clinic managers shared that the GP Registrars that had completed, or are currently still undertaking, the Advanced Training in Remote Indigenous Health pilot, had been accepted by their communities and are continuing to make a positive tangible difference to those that they care for. Clients particularly appreciated being able to speak in language to their health practitioners, thus providing another layer of cultural safety. This exciting project is coordinated by the FNT RTH.
The team appreciated the time that was generously given by the practice staff and it was great to see the collegial multidisciplinary workforce, working together and their deep commitment to the communities that they serve.
Whilst in Alice Springs, the FNT RTH team met with numerous stakeholders and hosted a Junior Doctor networking event at Epilogue. The Junior Doctors expressed how impressed they were with their Central Australian experiences including their time at Alice Springs Hospital, Tennant Creek Hospital, and within community clinics.
The FNT RTH continues to strengthen ties in Central Australia, contributing to building training pathway opportunities in the NT. If you are considering working remotely or are a medical student interested in undertaking a placement in Central Australia, please contact our team at to find out how the FNT RTH can support you with your goals.