Connect with your HDR Student Representatives

The Office of Graduate Research and colleagues in the Colleges value student voices and the creation of a sense of community.

Did you know that you have HDR student representatives at both, the College level and the University Higher Degrees by Research Committee? These students have expressed an interest in being involved in HDR candidature matters.

The College HDR student representatives are:

College Student Representative
Business, Government and Law Reem Alothmany
Education, Psychology and Social Work Aidan Cornelius-Bell and Claire Dunbar
Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Vacant
Medicine and Public Health Lauren Jones and Kristen Foley
Nursing and Health Sciences Jennifer Baldock and Matt Ankers
Science and Engineering Reid Honan

You can find their contacts details here.

The University Higher Degrees by Research Committee (UHDRC) is an important sub-Committee of Academic Senate. It assists the Senate to discharge its responsibilities regarding the accreditation, quality and compliance of Higher Degree by Research education and training. It is crucial that the students’ voice is present at this governance committee.

Your UHDRC representatives are Kristen Foley and Phillip Screen. If you would like to contact Kristen or Phillip please send an email to

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