Yunzhong Wang – 2022 SE Winner of the Best HDR Student Publication


Yunzhong Wang is from the College of Science and Engineering and is one of the eight winners of the Best HDR Student Publication Award for 2022. Yunzhong is supervised by Professor Youhong Tang

The winning publication was “Design and evaluate the wave driven- triboelectric nanogenerator under external wave parameters: Experiment and simulation.

We invited Yunzhong to share what the publication explores,  his insights into the PhD journey and what winning this award means.

What does the publication explore? 

Triboelectric nanogenerator technology has attracted researchers’ attention owing to the distinct advantage over conventional electromagnetic generators in that they produce zero carbon emissions during the generation stage and can utilise recyclable material to replace the fossil source as raw materials for the triboelectric nanogenerator.

In this study, we design and fabricated a wave-driven triboelectric nanogenerator to deeply study the effect of the wave parameter on the output performance of the wave-driven TENG: wave amplitudes and wave frequencies. As the results prove, both above wave parameters will affect the output performance of this TENG, especially the wave frequency.

We also apply computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation technology to the generator we designed. The use of CFD simulation results as a guide for the generator’s design provides an approximate prediction of the generator when operating in ocean conditions. Through the incorporation of CFD simulation technology, we can optimize the generator’s design to achieve enhanced energy conversion efficiency during the development stage. This innovation represents a significant advancement in the field of wave energy-driven triboelectric nanogenerators.

Tell us about your PhD journey so far.

I realise the importance of how the wave parameter affects the output performance of the triboelectric nanogenerator. Therefore, we decide to develop a device that can actively control the wave frequency and amplitudes for deeper investigation. The main reason for my interest in this research is the excitement I felt after publishing our results. It also motivates me to continue pursuing research in this field, knowing that our efforts can make contributions to the field.

What does winning this award mean to you?

As I published this research in the first year of my PhD, it serves as a great encouragement for me. Winning the award not only verifies the value of my research but also provides me with the confidence to continue pursuing innovative research in the future.

What is your research about in 1-2 sentences?

This research aims to investigate the impact of wave parameters, such as frequency and amplitude, on the performance of a hybrid-mode generator designed to harness energy from ocean wave motion. Additionally, an advanced power management system will be integrated to improve output performance and stabilize waveform characteristics.

How did you choose your supervisor?

I met my current supervisor during my placement period, and I enjoyed my time in the laboratory while working with Youhong. As a result, I decided to continue my bachelor’s thesis in the group. Fortunately, my thesis results were successfully published, which helped me to be enrolled as a PhD student.

What are your future goals and plans? / Where do you see your career heading in the future?

My future plan is to continue developing my research topic step by step and publishing more if possible. While I cannot predict my future career path at this time, I am committed to furthering my knowledge and expertise in this field through my PhD studies and beyond.

Publication Details:

Yunzhong Wang, Anh Tran Tam Pham, Xiangxi Han, Dongsheng Du, Youhong Tang,
Design and evaluate the wave driven- triboelectric nanogenerator under external wave parameters: Experiment and simulation,
Nano Energy, Volume 93, 2022, 106844, ISSN 2211-2855




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