The University recognises that a higher degree by research represents a considerable achievement, reflecting hard work and a high level of commitment and dedication.
Congratulations on your outstanding accomplishment!
Mark Rankin | Doctor of Philosophy by Prior Published Work
College of Business, Government and aw
“Transitions and Controversies in Australian Abortion Law, 2001-2021”
Library at Flinders link (not yet available)
Joep van Agteren | Doctor of Philosophy by Prior Published Work.
College of Education, Psychology and Social Work
“Helping those who languish: innovating psychological mental health promotion solutions for people with poor mental wellbeing”
Library at Flinders link
Lizzie Osborn | Doctor of Philosophy (Clinical Psychology)
College of Education, Psychology and Social Work
“Estimating the probability of homelessness for individuals on the autism spectrum: known risk factors or specific characteristics?”
Library at Flinders link
Marcela Radunz | Doctor of Philosophy (Clinical Psychology)
College of Education, Psychology and Social Work
“A Multifaceted Approach to Early Intervention in the Eating Disorders”
Library at Flinders link (not yet available)
Melanie Heath | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Education, Psychology and Social Work
“How sleep mediates the relationship between physical activity and mood in adolescents”
Library at Flinders link
Galo Cheung | Masters by Research
College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
“Conscious Machines: How a conscious machine may be possible”
Library at Flinders link
Robert deWet-Jones | Degree
College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
“Earth Mounds, Mussels and Typha: Innovation in Aboriginal procurement strategies on the Murray River floodplain, Calperum, South Australia”
Library at Flinders link
Brent Thoma | Doctor of Philosophy by Prior Published Work.
College of Medicine and Public Health
“Leveraging assessment data to improve medical education”
Library at Flinders link
Lisia Barros Ferreira | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Medicine and Public Health
“Effects of Inflammatory Cytokines on Human Retinal Endothelial Cells”
Library at Flinders link
Ravi Vissapragada | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Medicine and Public Health
“Achieving cost-effective endoscopic surveillance and treatment of Barrett’s oesophagus”
Library at Flinders link
Saoirse Benson | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Medicine and Public Health
“Characterising the mechanisms through which the microbiota influences immune responses to vaccination in early life”
Library at Flinders link