The Hospital Research Foundation (THRF) Group – Arthritis, in association with the South Australian Branch of the Australian Rheumatology Association (ARA SA), is pleased to call for applications for the 2024 Postgraduate Rheumatology Award, valued at $20,000.
The purpose of the Award is to assist emerging ARA SA postgraduate researchers carry out research projects which aim to enhance the lives of patients with arthritis and associated musculoskeletal conditions.
The award is offered via a competitive, application-based process and is open to Australian residents, enrolled or planning to enrol in a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) program at a recognised South Australian tertiary institution, that are members (Full, Associate, or Non-Medical) of the Australian Rheumatology Association.
Applications will only be accepted via the SmartyGrants platform and must be submitted by the deadline of 4:00pm (ACST) Wednesday 2 October 2024.
Further information on the round including the Guidelines is available on the Current Opportunities page of THRF Group’s website.