The University recognises that a higher degree by research represents a considerable achievement, reflecting hard work and a high level of commitment and dedication.
Congratulations on your outstanding accomplishment!
Qi Hu | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Science and Engineering
“Human Serum Albumin Detection Using Aggregation Induced Emission Biosensors and Their Engineering Improvements for Screening and Monitoring Chronic Kidney Disease”
Benjamin Perry | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Science and Engineering
“Modelling shoreline dynamics and management of Adelaide’s beaches at seasonal to decadal timescales”
Wenjie Liu | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Science and Engineering
“Geospatial Modelling of Three-dimensional Structure and Ecohydrological Processes of Semi-arid Woodlands”
Nadine Hutchison | Doctor of Philosophy (Clinical Psychology)
College of Education, Psychology and Social Work
“Connected by Trauma: Investigating the nature and effects of shared traumatic experiences”
Thesis not yet available
Desiani Muliasari | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
“Transforming Indonesian teachers’ understanding and implementation of critical pedagogy of place as a foundation to foster students’ critical and creative thinking”
Thesis not yet available
Diana Khanna | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
“Investigating agreement in Proxy and Self-Reported Health-Related Quality of Life in children for informing Economic Evaluation and Quality assessment”
Thesis not yet available