Did you know the library has past exam papers from most topics available from our website?
Did you know the library has past exam papers from most Flinders topics available from our website?
Exams from 2000-2009 are available online in our Exams Online Database. (This is also available in the Library section in FLO.)
With Exams Online you can:
- Search for exams with your topic code or with keywords for your subject (you can also limit your search to a particular semester and/or year).
- Browse the list of exams, organised by topic code, for each semester.
Exams on CD ROM
Past exam papers (1995-2005) are also available on CD ROM.
Copies of the CD ROM, Exams on CD, can be found in the AV collections of the Central, Medical and Sturt Libraries (call number 378.94205 F62ex).
It should be noted that not all exams are available – only those made available to the Library are included.