Have your say! Complete the 2010 Library User Survey

insyncWin a Flip Mino II HD Personal Video Camera! Complete the 2010 Library User Survey.  Please take a few moments and tell us what you think of our service and how we can make improvements. All respondents can enter the draw. The online survey is available from 30th August – 12th September.

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3 thoughts on “Have your say! Complete the 2010 Library User Survey

  1. I am overly pleased with most services offered by Flinders library, But would like a service where if i want a book that is on the shelf that I could place a hold on it. Other than that I’m happy with the services and staff help offered to me by Flinders library.

  2. Library services at Flinders University are excellent. The staff go out of their way to be helpful and the furniture and recent upgrade looks fabulous. Computing facilities are also excellent. It would be great if there were a few common rooms that could be closed off so that students can hold mini-tute sessions/group discussions. Also library users would benefit greatly if they were able to reserve books that are borrowed. Finally, it would be more convenient if there was a second collection point inside the library to return books, rather than just one place that is close to the entry/exit doors. Overall, services are fantastic and I have enjoyed using this library over the years. Thanks a million to Flinders University for providing excellence.

  3. The library provides an excellent service, and staff are very helpful. However, it is extremely noisy on many occasions, and this does not provide an opportunity for quiet study. This is the first university library in which I have had to take ear plugs in order to read a book or article. In my opinion, cafe’s are for socialising, and libraries should be for studying. Other than that, the service is excellent.

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