Central Library – Introductory tours of the Central Library will depart at 12.00 noon and 1.00pm each day of Orientation Week (Monday 21st to Friday 25th February). There is no need to book, just meet in front of the red pillars inside the library. Duration: ½ hour. Tours will also run at 1.00pm each day of Week 1 (28th February to 1st March.)
Sturt Library – Level 3, South Wing, Sturt Campus – Library tours for Nursing and Midwifery students will be running during Orientation Week on Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, Thursday 24th, and Friday 25th at 12 noon and 2 pm. Turn up for the tour at the Sturt Library Information Desk.
Law Library – Level 3, Central Library building. – Library tours will be held during the early weeks of Term 1 as part of students course and tutorial content.
Medical Library – Level 5, Flinders Medical Centre – Students enrolled in Medical topics will have a tour of the Medical Library and resources included as part of their course and tutorial content during the semester.