2011 broke all international records for disaster damage, with floods, earthquakes and tsunamis. Australia has not been immune: the Queensland floods resulted in damage estimated in excess of $9 billion. These events cause long term problems and recovery is difficult. To reduce the impact of large scale disasters and other disruptive events, such as financial crisis and climate change, the Australian government is working to bolster community resilience. Professor Paul Arbon, Dean of Nursing and Midwifery at Flinders University and Director of the Torrens Resilience Institute, will discuss the recent history leading to these developments and some of the current work designed to measure and grow the resilience of communities to disruptive challenges.
Noel Stockdale Room, Central Library, Flinders University. 3.30pm, Friday 22 June 2012. All welcome, free admission, light refreshments served. For enquiries email Special Collections or phone 8201 5238.