Needing a morning caffeine jolt to help kick your brain into study gear? The OneByte Cafe in the Central Library will be open at the following times:
Exams and Swot-Vac:
Monday – Friday: 8am – 6pm
Saturday & Sunday: 12pm-3pm
Mid year break (6th – 26th July)
Monday – Friday: 9am – 3pm
Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED
Semester 2
Monday – Friday: 8am – 7pm
Saturday & Sunday: 12pm-3pm
Hello fellow Flinder’s One employee. I just noticed on here that it says we are open 8am – 7pm Monday to Friday during semester. We actually close at 6pm on Fridays (unless there are plans to change this for semester two?). Just thought I would let you know. I’ve had some hungry people come up when I am already closed.
Thanks Jennifer. I will have the blog and uni website amended?