As part of the Library’s #Examorama promotion we are giving away over 650 vouchers for a free cup of coffee at One Byte Café or De Café at Sturt. All you have to do is ‘check in’ at either our Facebook or Twitter pages during #examorama for a chance to win one of our free coffee vouchers. We would love to see any images with your check-in of you studying at any of our branches (#Central, #Medical or #Sturt) so include them when you check-in as well as the #examorama hastag!
Check in now before all our vouchers are gone*!
Not following us on Twitter or Facebook yet? Start to follow us or like us for the first time during #examorama (13th June to 1st July) for another chance to win a coffee voucher.
We know this time of year is tiring and stressful for students so #examorama is designed to help provide the optimal environment to get your revision done and your exams slammed! Check out our examorama blog for more details or join the Facebook #Examorama event..
‘Check-in & Win’ rules
To be eligible to win a voucher the following is required: either a Facebook check-in @FlindersUniversityLibrary, Tagging @flinderslib on twitter using the hastag #examorama or start to follow @FlindersLib on twitter or like our Facebook page for the first time during examorama (13th June to 1st July)
Competition is open to current Flinders students only
Individual students can only win one voucher per day.
Vouchers can only be used in One Byte Café (Central) and De Café (Sturt)
*Up to a maximum of 655 vouchers can be claimed during the promotional period
All vouchers must be used by the voucher end date 3rd July 2016