Featured Database: Artstor

From cave paintings to photojournalism, ancient Rome to modern China and architecture to performance art. 

The Artstor Digital Library is a comprehensive image database of 2 million images from 300 of the world’s leading museums, photo archives, scholars, and artists. Incorporate images into assignments, presentations, and research and check out the Artstor LibGuide to find out what is available in your discipline https://artstor.libguides.com/artstoracrossdisciplines 

For Topic Coordinators 

Artstor offers Curriculum Guides with selected images for teaching curated by experts in their field. Each guide includes a course syllabus outlining topics and themes, a set of images for each theme, and a description of how the images can be used in that course. Topics include: 

  • British Romantic Poetry 
  • Colonial Latin America: From First Encounters to Independence 
  • Gender in Restoration and Early Eighteenth-Century Literature 
  • Gothic Literature 
  • The Coffeehouse: English Literature and the Culture of the Public Sphere, 1660-1740 

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