Textbooks guide for Topic Coordinators

Thinking of setting a textbook?

The Library has created this handy guide to assist you in textbook selection and key points for you to consider.

Do you need to use a textbook?

Instead of relying on a textbook, create an effective reading list by compiling resources from multiple sources, in a variety of formats, that will engage your students and enhance your teaching. A well compiled list can be a valuable learning resource. The Library can help you identify items in our collection, from a variety of formats. Reading lists assist in making the resources accessible to students regardless of where they are studying and can relieve the cost burden for students.

Is the textbook available to the Library as an eBook?

To provide best access for students to resources the Library prioritises eBooks and will always endeavour to buy eBooks whenever it can. The Library always aims to obtain the gold standard eBook models – DRM free and/or unlimited users.

Not all textbooks are available to the Library as an eBook. The Library can investigate what options are available to you.

Aspects to consider for Library eBook models:

– Many eBooks available to the library are limited user eBooks (1-3 simultaneous users). These will generally be view online only.
– Not all platforms allow PDF download, or they have a daily limit on downloads (these are set by the publisher and out of Library control).
– The eBook models available to the Library never include added interactive content such as videos, please consider the following when looking at commercial content.

Have you considered an open textbook?

We know that textbooks are expensive and often students cannot purchase all the required textbooks for a topic. Open textbooks make key topic resources accessible and equitable for our students.

The Library’s Learning and Teaching team can work with Topic Coordinators during curriculum development to ensure textbooks and other core resources are in formats that are accessible and equitable to all students.

The Library is very interested in working with Topic Coordinators to identify open textbooks as an alternative to a traditional textbook.

Note on print only textbooks:

The Library purchases a (limited) number of textbooks to meet equitable access to resources for students (based on enrolments), but ultimately if a textbook is required the expectation is the student purchases their own copy.

If a topic requires a print only textbook we cannot guarantee equitable access for students studying in an external or online delivery mode.

Will you be using open textbook quizzes and exams in your topic?

If setting open textbook exams and quizzes in your topic you need to consider the eBook models available as this can impact students. If the model is limited, view online, with no PDF download options, students will have access issues at assessment time. If the title is limited but allows PDF download, you will need to strongly encourage your students to download and keep their weekly readings to help mitigate access issues at assessment time.

Unlimited and DRM free models are preferred and provide the best experience for our students.

Settled on a textbook?

Once you have chosen a required or recommended textbook please fill out the Service One Textbook Notification form. This is shared with disability services and the student experience Textbooks website.

Need more help?

The Library has a team of Librarians to help you with your textbook and topic resources. Contact the Library via a Service One request:

Online Content for my topic

Textbook notification

Readings Query


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