End of year library hours

The Library will be closed on weekends until the commencement of the 2015 academic year. Read more for mid-week evening opening hours.

Library Research in Practice Seminar

Flinders Uni librarians attended for a Research in Practice seminar showcasing our current research. Pictured is keynote speaker from the Australian Library & Info Assoc., Di Hodge

24 hour Lab at Sturt Library

The computing labs adjacent to the Sturt Library will convert to 24 hour access on Tuesday 7th October, 2014. Access will be only via the automatic door leading into the corridor. Read more for registration info.

Farewell to Ian McBain

Central Library hub will be abuzz from 3pm on July 11 for the farewell of Ian McBain, retiring as University Librarian. For quieter study spaces at this time, head to levels 2 or 3.