Innovative Medical Device Partnering Program expanding into Singapore

[L:R Minister Martin Hamilton-Smith MP, Flinders Vice-President and Executive Dean, Prof John Beynon, NTU Institute for Health Technologies Executive Director Prof Russell Gruen and Senior Minister of State, Ms Sim Ann]
The South Australian Government has witnessed Flinders University sign a Memorandum of Understanding with Nanyang Technological University Singapore (NTU Singapore), to create an international node of Flinders’ successful Medical Device Partnering Program (MDPP).

The MDPP-Partnership 2025 aims to build additional research and development programs between Singapore and Australia, through the commercialisation of research among agencies, academic institutions and the private sector.

Through the partnership, the South Australian MDPP will expand its scope of research expertise and network of partners within the Asia Pacific region; while Singapore’s medical device industry will benefit from a proven model for early concept development and evaluation.

Click here to read full release.

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