A lecture by an international leader in biomedical engineering will cap off a busy week for Flinders’ Medical Device Research Institute (MDRI) researchers.
Eminent US Professor of Biomedical Engineering Kai-Nan An, from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, will present multiple seminars during his visit to Flinders University (July 27 and 28).
This follows the presentations by 12 Flinders MDRI researchers at the biennial 26th International Society of Biomechanics Conference in Brisbane, which incorporates the 9th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics 2017.
They comprise research updates by MDRI Deputy Director Professor Mark Taylor, Professor Greg Bain, Dr Saulo Martelli, Hamidreza Farhoudi, Bryant Roberts, Hamed Ziaei Poor, Khosro Fallahnezhad, Dr Maged Awadalla, Dr Rami M A Al-Dirini, Associate Professor John Costi, Javad Tavakoli and Dr Egon Perilli.
One of the most significant events in the biomechanics research arena, this week’s conference attracted more than 1,000 delegates.
MDRI Director Professor Karen Reynolds says the conference is an ideal opportunity to share knowledge and explore opportunities on the world stage.
“With so many of our MDRI academics, postdocs and PhD students presenting, it confirms that our research is relevant and significant to the global biomechanics community,” Professor Reynolds says.
“This is only the second time this conference has been held in Australia, and the first was 26 years ago, so having the conference on ‘home soil’ is exciting.”
The MDRI team will also re-connect with two past visiting researchers from the University of Sheffield, Guiliano Lamberto (2015) and Bart van Veen (2017).
Earlier this month, Flinders Research Associate Dr Melissa Ryan presented her biomechanics research at the 23rd Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (2-5 July) in Seville, Spain.
Professor Kai-Nan An’s visit has been organised by Professor Bain, Professor of Upper Limb Surgery and Research at Flinders University.
“We are most privileged to have Professor Kai-Nan An visit us here at Flinders. He has, over a lifetime, created the modern understanding of biomechanics of the upper limb,” Professor Bain says.
“Professor Kai-Nan An has revolutionised wrist and elbow biomechanics and now retired, remains the leader of the international and hand and wrist biomechanics group”.
The keynote lecture, titled The Evolution of Biomechanical Assessment of Upper Limb Disorders, will be held at 5pm on Thursday 27 July, Lecture Theatre 1, Flinders at Tonsley, 1284 South Road, Tonsley.
For more information about MDRI Research, visit www.flinders.edu.au/mdri