Ultimate in live cell semi-super-resolution imaging

The latest addition to the light microscopy capabilities at Flinders Microscopy and Microanalysis is the Zeiss LSM880 Fast Airyscan Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope.

This microscope from Zeiss is a world leader in bringing semi-super-resolution imaging to live cells as well as fixed samples.  In addition to regular imaging of fluorescently labelled samples (with a choice of 6 laser lines and sensitive PMT and GaAsp array detectors programmable to capture anywhere between blue and far-red emission), the LSM880 features regular full semi-super-resolution Airyscan imaging (to a lateral resolution of 120nm and axial resolution of 450nm) as well as the versatile FastAiryscan modality which enables fast, semi-super resolution time lapse imaging.  Full environmental control and adaptive software autofocus options ensure stable control of long as well as short term live cell experiments on this instrument.  Fast intracellular events such as calcium flux can be measured via GaAsp detectors using high linear scan speeds or via a high frame rate CCD camera.  Our Zeiss LSM880’s additional simultaneous spectral imaging and unmixing capability opens up opportunities for live cell FRET and biosensor imaging as well as separation of autofluorescence and overlapping spectral signals.

This outstanding addition to our capabilities is worth around $1 million and was made possible thanks to a 2018 Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Infrastructure Grant.  Housed within the Flinders Medical Center, this microscope is ready for use by Flinders University and external users who have completed the required training.  Our friendly staff can also analyse samples for you for a small cost and can provide support and advice as needed.

Training requirements

In person training to be completed with relevant staff.

Contact person:
Jen Fendler via cmph.microscopy@flinders.edu.au



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