Get to know your College: Assoc. Prof. Tania Shelby-James


What is your role and what does your work focus on?  

I am the Principal Research Fellow for General Practice and currently leading a national workforce and capacity building program for mental health providers delivering Commonwealth funded mental health programs.

Where did you work before joining CMPH?  

I worked at SA Health, doing Palliative Care Research at the Repat.

What journey brought you to this point in your career?  

I’m not sure, there was never a plan! I started out working at the Menzies School of Health Research in Darwin exploring ways to prevent ear disease in babies, this led to a passion in public health and the way in which health services are delivered.  When I moved to Adelaide I started doing research on delivering primary care services and one thing led to another.

What is something you love most about your work?  

The thing I love most about my work, is working with both Government and the providers on the ground as I am able to see the impact of the work we do. Conversations with the Department can lead to changes in the program which then lead to changes in the way services are delivered to people living with mental ill-health.  The other thing I love is the team of people I work with, they are amazing and the reason the program has been funded for 10 years.

If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?  

To relax and not worry about the small stuff, it sorts itself out over time and if it doesn’t it will shape who you become.

If you had a super power what would it be?

The power to smell coffee a mile away – absolutely love a coffee first thing in the morning.

How do you like to relax or spend your spare time? 

I love spending time with my pet rats Reggie and Remy, they are hilarious.

Who is the most famous person you are related to?

Carroll Shelby, the car designer from Ford who was depicted in the Ford vs Ferrari movie.

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Get to know CMPH

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